Mininstry's Office

Thursday, 10/24/2013 13:14
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Position, function:The Ministry’s Office is an agency belong the Ministry of Construction, performing general advice about the program, the work plan and serve activities of the Ministry; assist the Minister synthesis, monitor, supervise the organization and units of the Ministry implementation of the program, the ministry’s work plan was approved, organizing the implementation of administrative, documents, archives, administratives, finance, security, protection, military, health of the Ministry.The Ministry’s Office has legal status, stamp for transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank as prescribed by law.

Duties, powers:

1. Synthesis, developed program, week, month, quarter, year working plan of the ministry and minister; synthesis, monitor, supervise the agencies and units under the Ministry implemented program, working plan of ministry and minister; clue synthesis and periodic reporting, extraordinary reports on the implementation of the task of Ministry sent the Party agencies and State agencies as assigned by the Minister.

2. Synthesis situation of handling affairs following the task assigned by Ministry; to prepare the report content of the briefings; notice content of meetings chaired by the ministry's leader.

3. Monitor, supervise the development and promulgation of legal documents, policies, ordinary administrative documents of the Ministry; check the contents, modalities and procedures for the issuance of the ministry's documents.

4. Sunmit to Ministry promulgated the working Regulation of the Ministry; guide, supervise, inspect the implementation in the Ministry.

5. To chair, coordinate with the Information Centre, the press units, publishing and related units hold information activities, propaganda activities, achievements and contributions in the construction industry at home and abroad; assist the Minister in speaking, provide information to the mass-media, organizations and individuals as prescribed by law.

6. Implement receiving feedback , recommendations of individuals and organizations on administrative regulations under management of Ministry; research, synthesis, propose to ministry's leaders orientations, measures of the feedback and recommendations; urge the units assigned to solve, timely handling of feedbacks, recommendations and publicize the results of processing the feedback and recommendations.

7. Management and operating of the administrative, documents, archives, security, protection, health in the ministry; guide the implementation of administrative, documents, archives for units of Ministry.

8. Financial management, property, facilities, technology, ensure the working conditions of the Ministry; organize the reception, serving domestic and foreign visitors coming to work in Ministry according to regulations; to ensure discipline, order, safety, hygiene of environment in the Ministry .

9. Coordinate with the The South Agency in preparing programs, working plans, conditions, facilities and layout work welcome the leaders of Ministry and delegations of officials and employees of the agencies of Ministry when they go on a mission in the southern provinces.

10. Assisting Minister implementation of the mandate of the Government Members.

11. Cheif of Ministry Office has right:

11.1. Require agencies and organizations active in the field of state management of Ministry report, provide documents and data necessary for the leadership, management and operating of the Ministry and the Minister;

11.2. Notice the direction of the leadership of Ministry to agencies, units related to implementation; distribution documents, papers to the unit to promptly resolved;

11.3. Suggested the leaders of Ministry postponement or adjustment of leadership meetings chaired by the Ministry of recorded history if that check the preparation content, documentation is incomplete or incorrect components or the participating is enough; return the documents of the agencies, units submit to leaders of Ministry when the inspection found improper procedure, order, administrative procedure or have found inappropriate content;

11.4. Notification of change of the leadership of Ministry, leadership of agencies and units of the Ministry;

11.5. Under the authorization of the leaders of Ministry, was convened and chaired the meeting with the agencies and units concerned to reach agreement on the settlement of several works before reporting to the leaders of Ministry for decisions ;

11.6. Sign administrative documents and used seals of Office as prescribed by law;

11.7. By order of the Minister sign several documetns following asigning at Working Regulations of the Ministry of Construction.

12. Perform other duties, powers as assigned by the Minister.


1. The Division:

1.1. Office Administration - Organization;

1.2. General Division;

1.3. Division of Information and Communications;

1.4. Division of Administratives;

1.5. Division of Finance;

1.6. Department of Archives;

1.7. Security Division;

1.8. Driver team.

Divisions (the team) have Chief, Deputy Chief a number of officers, professional staffing norms consistent with the needs, tasks of the Ministry’s Office in each period.

The establishment, reorganization, dissolution and appointment, dismissal, demotion Chief, Deputy Chief of Division belong the Ministry’s Office decided by Minister on the proposal of the Chief of the Ministry’s Office and the Head of Department of the Organization and Personal Department.

2. Leaders of the Ministry’s Office:

2.1. The Ministry’s Office have the Chief and Deputy Chief;

2.2. Chief of Office and Deputy Chief of Office to appointment, dismissal, demotion by Minister of Construction in accordance with the Party and the law;

2.3. Based on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry’s Office, the Chief of Office is responsible for the planning stages, identify staffing needs of the Office, build and working regulations issued by the Office; regulating functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the division (Team) under Office; clearly define authority and responsibility of each individual in the Office and report to the Minister.

2.4. Chief of Office is responsible to the Minister and the law on the entire operation of the Office, Deputy Chief of Office is responsible to the Chief of Office and the law on the areas assigned.

Source: Decision 989/QD-BXD.
(This translation is for reference only)

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